To the P.O.S who tried to attack me at 8 a.m. on a Tuesday morning on my way to work: I just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling better now. For a couple weeks after you ran up on me and threatened to "bust me up" in the middle of the street I was definately shook. I walked around day and night with mase in hand and couldn't take more than 5 steps without looking behind me; loud noises made me jump out of my skin and being in a packed train surrounded by strange men (normally a non threatening activity) was unbearable. Suddenly all strange faces posed a threat. I cried my eyes out that day. Not simply because a total stranger had the audacity to follow me to work, invading my personal space and scaring the shit out of me; nor because of the demeaning and insulting comments you made while you were doing it; nor the way you made me feel afterwards- weak, vulnerable and defenseless. I cried because I had to wonder about the assumptions and notions that were programmed in your head about a young black woman walking down the street that enabled you to treat me in such a way. I had to wonder, not if you saw me as an equal (obviously not) but if you saw me as a human being at all. These past couple of weeks, I've reclaimed my humaness along with some of the power you took from me that morning so I can walk again in peace (although I've begun taking different routes everyday). I'm sure you don't care but I just thought you should know.
At 12:22 AM,
Heidi :) said…
I am really sorry that something like this has happened to you! I wish you all the best!
At 9:28 PM,
Brandon said…
Damn!! That's it, I'm coming back to MA. It's a wrap. If I gotta be your personal bodygaurd for a week then it's whatever. I'm sending a prayer up. Hold your head, I'm there in 4 hrs.
At 11:32 PM,
Marly said…
Please B, your security is needed ASAP!!! hahaha
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