A Life in the Day of...

"The present is a gift and I just wanna Be..."

Friday, July 14, 2006

I lost my best friend,or, maybe... She lost me.
It hurts a lot more than my pride will let me show.
Does this punishment fit my crime? .... I dont' think so.
So many books and songs on boyfriend heartbreaks, but what about best friend heartbreaks?
Am I a bad friend? Good to laugh with but useless for anything else?
Selfish? Disrespectful? Inconsiderate?
Evil words thrown by someone I thought knew me better...
Maybe she does... and I really am ...
Was I not there for her... thin and thick?
How come she took so long to let me know that our friendship was so easily disposable?
Then maybe I wouldn't've let myself get so close. We could've left it at "buddies" status... avoided the whole BFF thing all together.
Then this wouldn't feel so bad.
Attempts at brushing it off are ushered away by memories of 5 years of laughter and tears.
I mean, is that even allowed?
Isn't there some sort of clause in the BFF contract that says, "Cannot terminate unelss muturally agreed upon by both parties"?
What hurts the most is the heffa had the audacity to say to me, "I have no problem being cordial to you." Cordial?! Like I was some wack ass dude who fucked her wrong! Cordial?! You can keep that.
Naw, i don't wanna talk about it... that's why I blogged about it.


  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger seedofeve said…

    *sigh* you may not agree, but i still think you two should speak face to face. hopefully in time you both will heal and reassemble the pieces of what was a beautiful friendship.

  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger seedofeve said…

    oh yeah i got plenty of hugs, if you need some.

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger POPS said…

    peekaboo. sorry to hear this but hey, this year has definintely assured me that big G has his own plan and its out of my control.


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