OOOOooo on the TLC Tip....

Damn yo, watching VH1 Soul this afternoon got me feeling nostaligic as a mutha! That TLC joint "What About Your Friends" came on and I was 10 all over again. I was surprised to notice that back in da day, people in videos actually looked like they were having fun. No mean muggin thugs. No too fly to smile chics. Before that gritty, sweaty, grimey look, T-Boz, Left Eye (R.I.P) and Chilli, kept it flavorful with cross colours; reds, greens and yellows, hella baggy jeans, compulsory condom eye patches, and floppy hats 2 da back. The hottest video chics danced comfortably in their baggy jeans and flannels. Before being a video hoe became a profession and dance skill was determined by how well a chic pulled off the Beyonce booty bounce in 6 inch stilletos. Even the dudes looked like they were feelin it. So what is it that inspired video making then compared to what inspires it now? Maybe they were moved more by the music they were making and less by whatever image they were trying to sell to the viewers. Back in da day music videos were fun and now... well now I watch a video and walk away feeling insulted and embarressed. The recipe for a quality video which used to include originality and creativity have been erased and replaced with ass shaking and bottle poppin. Most of them have the same formula: unbeweavable-scantily clad,-big booty dancers plus bling, bling-ice grill-illiterate rappers add a few bottles of Moet and you got yourself a rap video... just make sure nobody looks like they're having too much fun. Music and trends will continue to change with the times. Could it get any worst?
At 10:11 AM,
POPS said…
i know this heffa didn't just say all of them. gasp...
At 1:12 PM,
Marly said…
aright, aright. not all of them. my bad Pops... and who you callin a heffa?!
At 7:52 PM,
POPS said…
slip of the tongue. sue me.
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