appetite for the bean

1. Urban Outfitters Bargain Basement
The anticipation of what funky treasures await. Racks and racks of "irregulars", off colors, designer oopsies- basically, store rejects. SCORE. I'd always walk away with a cute lil somethin at an extra discounted price and cheese all the way through 'da square.
2. The Original 'tute
From sophomore year 'till the day they put the chains on the doors in preparation for demolition, the tute was my home. Dean Petty served as surrogate mom with comfort and wisdom in her every word and touch; Mr. Kamara- the uncle with an open ear and a word of advice. The tute is gone now but I carry around the sense of security and love it gave me as I try to establish another home.
3. Woody's on St. Stephens St.
Greek Pizza + Quesadilla soup + a great friend= HEAVEN!!
4. Brown Sugar at Fenway
The perfect place to splurge on an orgasmic plate of deliciousness.
5. Caribbean Folks
How I miss the colorful, boisterous extraness of my fellow islanders. The flags, the music, the food, the culture of the Caribbean are loudly missing from my new city.
6. Wally's
I'm still searching for the Philly version. West Coast Wednesdays with Jazz fo dat Azz and Sundays with the cute drummer in Usual Suspecks. Boston's best kept secret was slept on till last summer, when it was quickly adopted and made home.
7. Creativity of Boston finest
Aahhh, Bostons finest. How do they do it? How they managed to find the time and energy to coordinate complete outfits from head to toe, I'll never know. Hats, jackets, shoelaces!! I used to clown them. But I must admit, being away from it, I miss the head to toe Spongebob Squarepants/Celtics/ M&M get ups. A+ for originality.
8. Silver Slipper/ Mikes Diner breakfast
Sunday morning cravings for Silver Slipper. The shuttle to Dudley. Only to discover the breakfast jump off is closed, with no rhyme or reason whatsoever. I swear they never had any legitimate hours! The disappointment. The rage! The #1 down Mass Ave. to stand in line at Mike's Diner.
I know most of the time these list are made up of nice round numbers like 5 and 10 but all I got is 8. So 8 it is. I'd be lying if I said I'd rather be in Boston, but I'd be frontin if I didn't say there are many people, feelings and sights that I truly miss.
At 6:27 PM,
seedofeve said…
Awww,son,I feel you 100% on this list right here. Honorable mentions go to: "our" little spot in Cambridge that turned into everybody and their momma's refuge, the Weekly Dig (especially that article on Vanilla Ice, LMAO!),the Dance Complex, Bartley's Burger Palace and their sinful sweet potato fries,Heidi-our long lost Asian sistah, with a German name and Blackgirl's forthright-who can pluck a raggedy eyebrow into a mean arch in seconds,and all the Bostonians and Boston transplants we adopted while we beat the streets.
I say we hit up a few of the things that make Boston missable when we head over there for graduation.
At 6:44 PM,
Marly said…
DAMN GIRL, You reminded me of mad jump offs I left out. I gotta make a part two! It's crazy cuz I was DEFINATELY just thinking about that Vanilla Ice article and how I would give anything to hear Flo recite that rhyme right now!! LMAO! Classic.
I'm wit it, let's give the bean what it's been missing. LOL
At 2:54 PM,
seedofeve said…
LMAO,do you know I saved that article? I have it somewhere in one of my memory boxes. I should get it laminated and framed.
Ooooh, and don't forget the SoWa Film Festival, where we got to see 'Balloon Hat'. I think that was in May. Maybe they'll have it again this year, around graduation time.
At 5:27 PM,
POPS said…
awww, how sentimental.
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