A Life in the Day of...

"The present is a gift and I just wanna Be..."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Through my Rear-view Mirror...

You ever just observe people through your rear-view mirror?

You see some interesting shit.

One night while driving down South St. I heard screaming, I looked around to see where it was coming from. I looked through my mirror and saw a taxi driver. Straight losing his mind. I mean dude, was straight wylin. Screaming at the top of his lungs to no one. At least no one that I could see. His taxi was empty. His windows were fogged. The shine from the red light we were stopped at gleamed off the white and blue stripes of his taxi, making the scene appear all the more eerie. It was like there was some deep pain or demon buried inside him he was trying to exorcise. I didn’t know whether to fall out laughing or cry for him… so I just shook my head and turned off that street as soon as I could.

One afternoon after work, I observed this young “Legally Blond” type chic in her car. Girlfriend was twerking her neck, rolling her eyes and straight cussing someone out (as good as any sista). Once again I checked, although her lips were moving furiously, there was no one in the car. Whatever song was on the radio, she was feelin it, and she was letting that invisible fool know that he would not be getting away with that shit no more.

A black woman the other day had tears in her eyes. She was on the phone. I watched her as she received some bad news. She couldn’t believe it, this couldn’t be happening. I watched her. I tried not to, feeling like I was eavesdropping on a personal and very private conversation amongst loved ones. Green light. I looked away and drove on.

...college students in their hoopties worrying about exams, single moms planning the night’s dinner, men fantasizing about women other than their wives. For a brief moment at a red light, I glimpse into a strangers life. And I gain another bit of respect and appreciation for people and the struggle that is humanity.


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