Another rainy day in the Bean... streets are flooded... busy streets jammed with colorful metal structures of all shapes and sizes, controlled by angry creatures.... faces contorted with rage and impatience. on the sidewalks, other creatures trudge around with colorful galoshes and umbrellas. Heads down for protection from the nickel sized raindrops, they don't notice me, noticing them... hold up... de ja vu.... as I watch them, I can't help but wonder where they're going? What's the hurry? What are they going through? Rainy days have a funny way of making everything look surreal. Maybe it's because of how relentless and merciless New England rainfalls can be. Makes me realize... how very small and insignificant we are as individuals... not in a "we ain't shit" type of way but in the... wow, in the scheme of life, in the history of the world, we're but a speckle... cuz it don't really matter how hard we wish, or how many sun dances we do... the rain will end... when it wants. entire tribes have perished because the rain wasn't tryin to hear them and there have been others that have disappeared because the rain just wouldn't go away. drowning all hopes of a fruitful crop season.
Ya know, no matter how upset people make me... no matter how rude the woman at the counter is or the man on the phone is... I always try to have some sort of sympathy for humanity. I mean... we all just tryin to make it. We all here tryin to fight the rain, sometimes for it... other times against it. And it don't matter how good you think you got it. or how much better off you think someone else is... in the scheme of things... the rain will fall for as long and for as hard as it wants to. So you gotta sympathize... cuz we all gettin soaked.... thoroughly drenched... by life. But. It's not that bad. sun gotta come out eventually.
At 11:51 PM,
POPS said…
hmmm. makes me think of one of my favorire pete rock and cl smooth joints...
At 3:40 AM,
NewsEditor said…
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